Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-14 21:28:54 Family Fun Begins 1 by Darklord Definitely, continue the story. The character building U have done is great thus far.& U have a talent to reveal the character as the story unfolds. The facts that U have revealed the sexual thoughts of the characters; now it's just a matter of getting them into the position or circumstances to fulfill their various desires (especially for each other). U know how to present a hot, hot story & keep it flaming! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
2018-07-14 21:54:45 Family Fun Begins 2 By Darklord Now, that's what I'm talking about. To me, the build up to action was slow enough.
Deion of the action was well detailed. The shower for the cool down was a nice touch, especially that she quickly showed continued interest in the action.
Congratulations on the continuation of "Family Fun" Expect it to get hotter & better.
2018-07-15 01:09:55 Family Fun Begins 3 By Darklord If a woman has already decided she wants to fuck, she is an easy take to fuck.
Even a wife or girlfriend that doesn't want to (right now) it's overcoming a brick wall.
Obviously, Nancy wanted to fuck Harry! Just like Sam did!
2018-07-15 01:28:24 Family Fun Begins 4 by Darklord Story line predictable; need more variations or surprises. Nancy & Harry walking in on Paul & Sam was a little surprise. Now, what's next? Since Paul & Harry have both fucked Nancy (Wife/Mom) & (Samantha (Daughter/Sister) the only thing left is to swap fuck in a foursome until "Aunty" returns.
2018-07-15 02:01:03 Family Potrait Doesn't seem to me this is the 1st time Mom had enjoyed such pleasure. Kids wanted to do it again & just didn't think about Dad being there they were so excited to enjoy their Mom again. Fantasy & fiction can be anything the author desires to create. Good creation.