Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-15 11:43:15 Seducing My Son:6 Scottie,seems to me if Mom were to get prego, it would have already happened. I agree with U that to wrap up the series with a foursome including Melisa would have nice; but the series does have acceptable & nice closure. Well written & thought out, especially this last installment of the series, The strap-on was an excellent prelude to the actual anal exchange of Dad & Son.
It was awesome & unusual approach to sex education but in the end, Melissa will be a more satisified wife & Son has no doubts as to his confidence or any latent homo tendencies. That, I believe is the best outcome of the experiment. Mom "Darklord" are congratulated for that character development so, so positive. Probably a lot of men who appreciate oral stimulation from their female companions sometimes wonder if a guy might do a better job; like women that have experienced oral from men & women tend to report, "Girls oral me better than guys" Not good!
2018-07-15 12:48:15 Cheating Mom Related as a great performance. Am excited as to how this progresses. Will the Mom find out about the son's observation? Will the Boss encourage her to fuck her son in his presence for further eroticism? I'm pretty sure he won't propose a threesome, but U never know in these kind of situations.
If there are any other tech errors, (grammar, syntax, spelling, puctuation, etc.) it was not enough to distract from the flow of reading the story line in enjoyment whatsoever. Good job, as most of your stories. Thanks
2018-07-15 13:18:16 Cheating Mom 3 I think the ending (conclusion) is appropreate. For me, it would have been better to have carried the story upstairs for their first completely uninhibited experience.
Since very little sexual interaction between Mom & Son has prreviously been revealed during the series, the additional details of the final (in story) sexual interaction would add greatly to the already good story line to make it much better. Thank U again for sharing Ur talent with us. Keep coming with those good, salacious stories.
2018-07-15 13:58:14 Family Ties: Share Alike Great start. Development of characters is as usual awesome. All the info in Ch 1 has well laid ground work for a tremendos scenario of good interpersonal relationship involving sexual excursions.
Ur use of paragraphs for conversational dialogue & ideas is "right on" or very good & makes for much easier reading, understanding, & easy flow of the story line.
Looking forward to the following installments.
2018-07-15 16:45:49 And Mother Makes Four 2 Love it.