Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-18 10:50:57 Family Therapy II Expected it to happen at the Gates home since Sandy has already talked about how "hot" Mark is, & obviously. Jane & Tommy have the "hots" for each other. Ur plots &.interaction between families & characters is awesome.
Seems some of Ur stories have excellent paragraphs, This must be of r earlier works before U learned to paragraph better, especially in conversational dialogue.
Like RW. I expect a orgy at the Gates home with all 6 involved, girly 69, etc. Sounds like fun, erotic, awesome, & fucking fantastic, & sucking sensual, too
2018-07-18 11:13:01 Family Therapy III This is the reason I don't like to read series. This is the 2nd time U've jilted me
Seems the other one was "Family Obligations". as well as "Janice's Mom Joins the Group" no follow up or closure in that series either.
Ur not the ;only author that has this problem. I think that somehow XNXX deletes some of the entries.since Ur not the only one.
2018-07-19 12:29:47 Milestone The parent/child attraction is a common theme because it is a common life experience. One that is forbidden for several reasons. Morality, altered offspring, jeliosy of primary partner, potential violance, just to name the few foremost. Part pf the attractopn is the thrill of "on the edge excitement". Gamblling, speed of any veical (bike car running) anything to "push the upper limits"and get the adrenilen pumping (as well as other endorphins that give us that "good" & uplifting (excited, or pleasing & confident) feeling. There is nothing like it. As the Mom said, "ego building" meaning self confidence of attraction & sexuality confirmed by an alternative attractive source.
You have done well scrwd, describing the need of an aging person to need that confirmation of self worth.
Some measure that by money, some by "new" sexual partners by flirtation or copulation, depending on what the individual allows or requires to satisfy the need of self worth..
Good job!!!
2018-07-19 13:23:30 Milestone-The Next Day This poor Mom just can't seem to get enough of what she wants or needs. How many women are aware of the "after morning birth control pill" I had never heard of such a thing until reading some of these stories. Seems that every woman in a verlnerable situation would carry some with her if she were inclined to be loose with her pussy.desiring satisfaction from any attractive guy available. Maybe some antibiotics just as a "head start precaution"! Ignoranant me, is there even such a thing as the "after morning pill"?
Very good building of plot & characters. As each member shares their story with Mom, her (as well as our) anticipation heightens with every paragraph. Why didn't she just go on with Mary Anne & the bartender for a threesome? Uninvited?
Really looking forward to part 3 & how the author brings the exciting conclusion to a satisfied (or flustered) 40 yo Mom!!!
2018-07-19 20:12:25 Milestone, day 3_(1) Surprise, Surprise, by day 3, Maggie still hasn't fucked her well hung son. Crystal's experience wasn't revealed or implied except the bJ.& "1st step"toward copulation. I'm really disappointed that (1) she's not fucked him & (2) in going over the list of entries, Pt 4 off Milestone, was not listed (or I overlooked it). Going thru the list again to find that or the "heridity" or Mommy's boy" conclusion. What's going on here that half the stories have no closure or "wrap up" ?