Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-21 11:01:43 Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debt(Part 2) I's easy to prevent unwanted babies, but STD & VD are not so easily prevented without a condom. The only time I've ever used them was a college girl I used as a cum bucket (to fill the rubber we called in those days) and when 1st married my 1st wife, For 9 months ( until I graduated with a Bach degree) [didn't take spelling in college & at my age forgot most of what I learned in grade school]
Enjoy Ur creativity, I'm sure this is a scenario that is played out in "real life" with variations. A little surprised to read "How I Caught my wife Cheating" then the next day, read a variation of the same theme (even with Chicago & dog).
2018-07-21 11:27:59 Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debt(Part 3) Kidnapping, indecency with a minor, statutory rape, blackmail, these guys will stop at nothing to collect the contrived debt !! I guess the primes is to show the "mark" that this sort of debt collection/crime is above & outside the law, so there is no use in trying to fight it.
Once the "mark" is broken down, he/she will do ANYTHING to try to get out from under their grasp & growing & impending debt..
2018-07-21 11:43:41 Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debt(Part 3) Glad U did the flashbacks like U have. Very good, especially the warning & now expected daughters involvement. (Ch 3 I presume.
2018-07-21 12:05:11 Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debt(Part 4 The Daughters) Your deion of the "ladies" talents & actions is awesome. Ur creativity in building the plot is fantastic. Now, let's see what Daddy does to "save his family from this humiliation.
2018-07-21 12:29:34 Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debt(Part 5 Punishment) Positive vote is for your creativity, not the story plot. It does make a difference how the hanging was carried out, murder or suicide, but the most tragic part is the loss of life, Mom, wife, & community member (contributing) Ur resolution of responsibility here shows the true compassion & sensetivtiy of Ur person (heart)
Since this was authored 8 yrs ago, my technical advice is mute. I agree though that paragraphs would greatly enhance the enjoyment of your works. Hope U discovered that before now.