2011-03-31 15:19:12 |
Father/Daughter Bonding_(1)
Good story, pretty good writing, excellent lead into the action. The end was a bit too fast, though. One criticism - make sure to add lines between your paragraphs. Helps the flow of the story. |
2011-03-31 15:33:45 |
The Olsen
You call this a story? |
2011-04-06 09:22:42 |
unexpected camping guest
This rambled way too much, had no real plot outside of the third wheel about to get nailed. The paragraph, sentence, and grammatical structure was horrendous. Do us all a favor, next time you try to write, take lessons or go back to high school and relearn, |
2011-04-06 09:35:49 |
After school incest
Well, it's obvious English is not your strong subject. Grammar, spelling, plot direction - it all just sucked. Not even a good story, either. Oh well. And for those who choose not to log in, sometimes it's because you get logged out. Even still, criticism should be criticism - not derogatory, just criticism. |
2011-06-12 09:43:02 |
Fukin my young sister in law
It doesn't matter if you use a computer or your phone, if you can't use proper grammar and spelling, you shouldn't post. Period. And if you truly got a B+ in English, perhaps your parents should go back and slap the teacher, cause no matter what excuse you use, you should have failed. |