Comments from Cly

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-12 23:53:32 There is a part 5. Please check profile for it.
2011-11-15 14:12:30 Ok, I'm sure "Jerko" was a mistype, but that's still funny. As for the fate of Alt or Calsa's mother... Well, just gonna have to wait. There's gonna be a whole lot of dying soon. Bezin got out of it easy.
2011-11-21 18:54:09 Nikita's elves Yeah, it was a good start. Interesting imagination. I would say continue it, but perhaps a little better knowing in the English language would help. Overall, not bad, just hard to read at points.
2011-11-28 02:42:00 Roscrow does not have body hair. He has hair on the top of his head and eyebrows, but no hair anywhere else on his body. In the first few chapters it actually states he has head hair. He can't grow a beard, and has no hair anywhere else on his body. It's a trait of the alien he is a part of. They are related to elves, which have very little body hair, and certainly no beards.
2011-11-29 14:30:51 Well, this IS Roscrow we're talking about. If those girls had walked in on them... "Hey ladies, wanna join?" How does he stay out of trouble? One, he's a superior officer... two, he's a superior species... and three, he's just that sexy.