2011-09-29 15:09:31 |
Hmm, I hadn't thought of it that way. Though the thing is, just because Ha'trin are against oppression of the weak, greed, betrayal, and revenge does not mean they are always nice people. When Alt scoffs and tells her they are hardly heroes, he wasn't joking. It was only by his sense of morals, and the fact that their society is matriarchal, that he didn't just outright rape her or just let her die. It's not uncommon for Ha'trin to kill those who stand in their way for the sake of the greater good. Same goes for the Ha'tinre, they may be a bunch of conniving assholes who lack mercy and know only how to use the agent of fear and pain, but on occasion you'll find a few who refuse to kill like children and such. Also, it's not uncommon for the two orders to kidnap each others apprentices. But for all their talk, Ha'tinre are really kind to their students, for the most part. Thinking of writing a story where a Ha'trin kidnaps a female student to "save" her... Could be fun. |