2011-11-30 23:17:41 |
Check my profile, part 3 was published a while ago. |
2011-12-02 12:40:31 |
Not done yet. QQ
I have other stories I'm working on. I must split my attention between 5 different stories at all times. Plus relationships, plus working, plus all of real life. Please be patient. |
2011-12-06 11:06:15 |
This was started pre-Cata. Fuck Cata, fuck Deathwing, fuck Blizzard for ruining an awesome game, and fuck mages. After the fifth DK nerf, I couldn't touch a mage, but I could sure hold my own against a pally. And then they nerfed that, too! So I dropped this toon and played my hunter. Oh, too bad, they nerfed that too. Ok, my warrior tank? No thunderclap for you! My druid? Byebye HOTS and no more tree form! My... my shammy? Please? Ok, well since you asked so nicely... we nerfed that too! I hated the new game play and everything about the system. And then Thrall got married. And they killed Deathwing. And there is no returning for me. However, I must, since we're all nerds here.... *waves a purple dildo* I HAVE AN EPIC! |
2011-12-08 16:48:23 |
Part 4 is up now. Check it out! |
2011-12-14 21:42:08 |
Well, sir, I hope that you do not turn away from the story because you think they were cheating. Shime was not cheating. They are NOT in a relationship. Higzashi is using Shime, and Denzin loves her and wants her as his mate, whereas Higzashi wants to use her to his own ends, and the ONLY reason he is trying to trick her into thinking that he wants her as a mate is because she's a deadly Ha'tinre and she knows where their village is. She can bring her whole clan back to kill them. So, it wasn't "cheating" per say. It was in a way. But if you remember, Higzashi told Denzin that if it wasn't for him trying to keep Shime from becoming an enemy, he wouldn't care if his son made moves on her. Thus, it is not technically cheating. |