Comments from Cly

Date Story title Comment
2012-01-05 16:04:27 Well, on Denzin's part, for one, he's 300 years old. He's learned at least a little bit of patience. Also, if you think about it, it's kind of a screwed up family to begin with. And I was trying to show that Denzin doesn't HATE his father, he just simply doesn't agree with him. Also, the baby is his sibling. He's not about to do anything to it. His is a dying breed, the Regenerators are all but wiped out, having to interbreed with other races to survive. That you will learn in Sinishi's story. I tend not to put all my details into one story. Like you will never hear about what Ha'trin and Ha'tinre mean again in any other story. All of my stories are woven together like that. There's just too much info in my head to fit in a single story. Anyways, for his personality, I don't think it's too strange. He was raised very family oriented. Considering he speaks to and cares for all his half siblings, it's no stretch to think he wouldn't want another.
2012-01-23 21:44:07 Catnip is catnip. Have you seen what catnip does to cats? Even tigers go berserk over catnip. Watch it on youtube, it's so funny to see a tiger rolling around on a bag of catnip. If I had meant weed, I would have used the term. But I meant catnip. Don't smoke it. Catnip is bad for you, mmmkay?
2012-02-16 13:49:31 Higzashi does not love her. I do believe I made that evident. He wanted to use her. He loves none of his mates anymore. He wanted to keep her around to raise his kid. He cares about her, and that's all. There's a difference between caring about someone and loving them. You can care about someone, and not love them, same as you can love someone and not care about them. (That is usually what they call a stalker, btw, because if you cared about them, you'd stop stalking them.) Denzin loves her, and though she doesn't feel as strongly about him right now, they forge a relationship that is still spoken of a thousand years later.
2012-03-16 03:44:08 I will when I'm not working overtime and not getting a day off for 8 days in a row with relationship troubles, moving, and dealing with debt collectors. Real ife is such a bitch, eh?
2012-04-01 04:32:56 How can I only be 25? What, do I have to be 50 to write well? I've been writing since I was 9... and they were still pretty damn good back then, too.