Comments from Cly

Date Story title Comment
2011-12-15 08:53:46 All I will say to that is the "cheating tag" was a mistake on my part. Also, in the next part, you will learn why they must keep their love secret. Shime's no whore. She's just very confused. Her parents were slaughtered, and the same day she learned this her uncle raped her. She was only 10. That fucks someone up something fierce. As for Higzashi's intentions being in my head only... More than once I made it obvious already. It was obvious the first chapter. But next chapter will explain a little more of why things are moving as they are.
2011-12-16 00:38:17 Explaining it that way, yes, I can appreciate your side of it. In fact, I did originally appreciate and respect your side, though I realize text does not convey that easily. Also, I wish to thank you profusely for telling me why you gave me a negative rating. I always wonder why.

My only thing was to point out it isn't cheating. Although, I suppose that depends on your definition. Personally, the definition of cheating is when there is a mutually understood and accepted relationship and any sexual activity outside of the relationship, unless sanctioned by the other partner, would be cheating. There is no understood/accepted relationship between Shime and Higzashi other than they enjoy each other in bed. At the moment, they are little more than fuck buddies. Higzashi is jaded, lacking in love, but he is not cold hearted. He wants Shime to be safe and pleased, but that's as far as his caring goes. He also wants to keep his species alive by any means necessary.
2011-12-18 23:26:35 Click my profile for the link to the FB page. If you're not sure about something, click my profile. The answer to your question is likely there.
2011-12-24 02:09:52 Um... this IS the book version. This is a chapter IN the book. If you would, I dunno, READ THE AUTHORS NOTE you'd know that. I did not put it up as a stand alone. I put it up because I promised my fans I would.
2011-12-27 04:07:15 Nightwolf Part 3 I will have to read the rest of this, just happened to stumble on this. Looks interesting. Another anthro writer like myself. ^.^ I will have to mark these stories to read.