Comments from Cly

Date Story title Comment
2011-10-22 20:53:01 Beauties and the beast Ahahahaha! Hungarian Kommando. I'm Hungarian. That was the only reason I kept reading, when I saw that. I was like, "Wait, what?" That dude is crazy and that's what makes this so funny. All in all, good story. Kinda hard to follow though, the way the paragraphs are structured. But good nonetheless.
2011-10-26 23:01:03 For one, you spelt his name wrong. It's Altair. For two, "Alt" is short for his full name, just like "Cal" is short for Calsa. I will not deny that their garb was inspired by the cover on the game, considering I've never played it (I mean, seriously, I have like, 7 stories I'm writing full time plus little alternates on the side for friends who request them, I don't have time to play video games anymore, even had to stop playing WoW) but other than that, I actually don't see how this is anything like the game. Although, since I haven't played it, I dunno, do they have magical assassins? Do they have futuristic technology on another world? I thought it had to do with the past and the apple of Eden or something. Christians verses Muslims. The assassins are Muslim and the Knights Templar are Christians. Or Catholics. Whatever. Actually, gonna go google that. Considering how many folks think it's like the game, I should check that out.
2011-10-28 17:25:56 So, did some research. For those of you who think I ripped off Assassin's Creed, do your research before you talk. Ubisoft was created the same year I was born. I created my first planet when I was 4 years old. The Ha'trin and the Ha'tinre were ripping each other's faces off when I was 9 years old. Assassin's Creed came out in 2007. Thus, my creations have been around longer. I dare say the bastards ripped me off! ^.^

I also had the Red Tide fighting the Alliance when I was 10, the world of The Rat and the Dragon when I was 11, and Mother Maerin (goddess of all cats) around the same time, my theory of humanoid evolution at 12, and my first erotic story at 13. I've been at the whole science fiction thing for a very very long time. I told my mother dragons were talking in my head when I was 3. Only then I called them lizards. Maybe I'm insane, but you are all benefiting from the aliens that talk to me and tell me about their lives. So learn something before you open your mouth.
2011-10-29 14:52:44 I can't figure out if that's a compliment or not....
2011-11-02 15:23:39 There is a part 2 to this story. You gotta click my profile to find it. Why don't people ever click the profile to find out if there are extra chapters?