Comments from Cly

Date Story title Comment
2010-12-15 22:15:27 Actually, addressing the comment below, in the original, Draen was actually a shapeshifter, not a panther. He always took on the likeness of a panther so no one would know that he was an ancient, nearly extinct variety of dragon that had mastered the ability to take on other forms. They had been hunted to near extinction by other dragons. Cylthan had taken a human form which her "brothers"- sons of Maelic- had forced her into to protect her before sending her away and being killed by their mother in her rage. There was actually a romance that had gone on between them which was the reason Cylthan ended up killing Roan in the end. But that didn't help none because Draen died too, turning dragon and leaping in front of Cyl to protect her.

And the comment several below, hey man, get out of my head. Quit spoilin it for everyone. XD
2011-01-11 13:52:26 Sorry, there never will be a scene between Sre and Hero. That's not the kind of story I'm writing here. If you would like, you can imagine that during the times I skip forward to certain events, they are doing... whatever. Hero is 5 times the size of a horse. What the hell would any human do with that? Unless I made his dick tiny, there's nothing she could do with it anyways except maybe look at it, pat him on the nose and tell him he's silly.
2011-07-13 05:19:42 To my fans, NO, this story will NOT be finished. It ran itself into a wall, and no amount of digging, clawing, or overall attempting to some how skip around it has worked, so the story is officially dead. Here's the end... They all lived happily ever after. Another member of Wolfy's team survived, and they found him, he falls in love with Snow and basically steals her away and raises the pups she has, even Anubis'. Anubis is almost killed by Wolfy's gov but Snow and HazScott (the other male) rescue him and Wolfy and help them escape to live in the woods. And it's all happy and fluffy puppies and butterflies and rainbow farting unicorns! Except for that one unicorn, Ed, he just farts marshmellows. Dunno if that's any better. Apparently he thinks really naughty thoughts so he can't get rainbows..... I'm gonna stop staying up so late! XD
2011-08-03 20:55:04 To my faithful fans, this is the author speaking. Just so you all know, I've decided not to publish any further parts to the story. It was getting too close to the end. And if I ever want to publish it, as many of you have suggested I do, I can't very well have the story online to read for free, or I'll never make any money. So I must let you all know that this story will be continued in bound and printed form as soon as I'm done revising it all yet again! This time, the whole situation of her life becomes much more realistic, and the reason Roscrow even cares about her at all is better explained. Altogether, the 3 revision is the most complete and detailed. I will post the first 3 chapters of it when I'm done. After that, watch out for it on the shelves! Other stories are still in production, but this one is priority.
2011-08-09 23:16:15 To the person who pointed out all the spelling errors, thank you a ton, they have been corrected, I did not notice them despite reading through about 5 times. Reason I ask people to point out misspells and grammar errors. As for when it will be published, when I get it done and it gets accepted by a publisher. If anyone knows any good publishers, I would appreciate it. Thank you.