Comments from Cly

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-18 17:14:59 Author here, Thank you, corrections have been made. No, I've not posted this anywhere else, the other site I post my erotic stories on do not allow an exurb from a book, can't just post one chapter to get people interested, so I have not bothered to post there.

As for removing the unnecessary sex, I thought about that, but when I started receiving comments of my stories being like a cross of Anne McCaffrey (who's books I really don't care for, her dragons seemed so single dimension with no personalities to me) and Laurel K Hamiliton, I decided to read one of her books and was left wondering how she could possibly get away with it all. 3somes all over the place, sex every other page or so. Did give me some wording ideas, but also made me think to keep the sexual aspects. There are a few spots later on where I don't bother describing the scene, just leaving a hint it had occurred. But I thank you for the suggestion.
2011-08-23 04:04:06 OMG, seriously? Did you not read the title and my name next to it? And what genre it is? You read the whole story but not that part? LOL! I'mma go back and keep writing now. XD
2011-08-24 17:15:46 My story would make you fall asleep? *lower lip trembles* Thanks for the confidence. =P I know what you mean. But please point that spot out to me if you find it again, I might have already corrected it, but I don't care, better to have people point it out over and over just to make sure I've got them all.

Also, mwahahahahaha! I is evil! I have the first chapter of the sequel written! And I have a little diversion about Roscrow's activities away from Sre coming soon. I've been so obsessed writing this book I had to take a break and do something fun.

Also, WHEN THESE STORIES ARE DELETED IS WHEN IT IS FINISHED AND BEEN SENT TO A PUBLISHER!!!!! That's how you can know. STOP ASKING! >.< And now, back to writing!
2011-08-25 05:27:15 Um, I kinda did explain that there were once 23 nations, and now there are only 12, though I want to make less because I only talk about the four biggest ones and the land of dar Morthar: Sadgos'Lak, Nutherlund, Szopuro, Mardarow, and Dar'Gashen. Also, there's already rumors and hints that "Tamers are killing Tamers."

Also, I did take your advise, I've been replacing a few of the "bliss" words and exchanging them with slightly more descriptive words like "ecstasy," "euphoria," and "pleasure." I really don't want to use any crude language in my story. As you can tell, I barely even use "clit." And yes, the first sex scene did change... again... *shakes her fist* Make up my mind, Roscrow!
2011-08-27 01:32:21 *chuckles at the previous comment* Little do you know....