2012-07-14 02:04:56 |
Camping Trip_(1)
Yup, FACT . Some of the anonymous slaggers you could stack up 10 or 12 to the IQ Point. Thanks Buster, well written, spaced and erotic. . .just what is required on this site. Positive Vote and personal 8.5/10 |
2012-07-14 02:31:59 |
Sailing with my daughter and friend pt2
Very enjoyable and well written story, Thank you. Positive vote and personal 8.5/10 |
2012-07-15 23:29:47 |
A cold, stormy night.
Obviously from one of the Dumb Battalions of the USMC (If at all) because you are too stupid to realise that the personal pronoun 'I' , is ALWAYS a capital letter, AND that paragraphing was invented to make stories easier to read. COULD have been a good thought provoking story but I gave up when I saw a solid block of text. |
2012-07-19 10:04:17 |
Oh Daddy! My step father.
Potentially very good story totally spoiled by atrocious spelling. Spellchecking would help, but so would redoing your first five years at school. |
2012-07-22 06:02:57 |
Tricking Sam_(1)
What the fuck is a 'tounge' or a 'hyeme' . . . .for fuck's sake I think you're too illiterate to know how to spell tongue and hymen. And a wannabee kiddie fucker as well - YUCK - ohh by the way - NEGATIVE VOTE |