Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-01 02:21:19 A MORAL DILEMMA Hey John . . . Forget that wanker JoeDirty . . He's obviously mentally retarded - probably a fucked up Bible Belter or educational fuck up.
In my country, like yours 16 is the age of consent and he is too illiterate to find out these things for himself. IGNORE the Brain Dead Cretin and continue your story.
2012-09-12 03:54:25 A Willing Participant #1 (revised 10/20) Very Enjoyable Gordietown. Well written and very interesting premise. Like to see more from you
2012-09-12 03:59:11 Sleeping Pleasure! Sorry hob, Won't give you a negative rating - because I gave up when I saw the solid block of text. This IS a site for erotic WRITERS and a good writer knows what paragraphs are and why they should exist.
2012-09-12 18:04:06 Little Sister 2 Was not happy with Part 1 (lack of paragraphs - poor layout) but a vast improvement here. Storyline is perverted, disgusting and just perfect. You definitely have a way with words and I EAGERLY await the next Chapter. Positive vote.
2012-09-14 22:06:57 Sleeping Pleasure! Wow, Look at all the RETARDS that think this is their fucking dating service. . . .Sorry little pricks aren't they.