2012-10-03 01:47:24 |
Dickie the Exploror in the land of Amber
Disgusting Eric, JUST the way I like it. Positive vote. |
2012-10-03 17:19:44 |
Pipe Crew, Part III
Still living up to expectations OD, just as good as the first two parts. Like most of your stories - but this is far and away the BEST. Positive Vote !! |
2012-10-07 21:20:05 |
stepmom grace
Good story, spoiled by shocking layout, terrible spelling, atrocious grammar and an arrogance that implies, " I wrote this and you can love it or fuck off." I was going to give a Negative Vote for all of the above, then a Positive Vote for the storyline - and decided to balance it out and not vote at all. |
2012-10-07 22:50:11 |
little sister and me
Saw a solid block of text and thought - another dipshit who's not prepared to respect his readers enough to use PARAGRAPHS, so I said Fuck It - and stopped there. |
2012-10-07 22:53:19 |
i should stayed up
Another dipshit who isn't prepared to respect his readers enough to SPACE HIS FUCKING WORK OUT - so I thought Fuck It - and stopped there. |