Comments from djb8247

Date Story title Comment
2016-01-05 20:19:30 The Royal Genies - Chapter 03 what a, stupid, ridiculous, piece of garbage..
2016-01-05 20:28:32 I just wanted a drink, really... Just a wam bam thank you maam, piece of crap, not worth the effort of reading it..
2016-01-07 20:27:50 My new girlfriend wants me to get her a slave 2 Please show some brains people, asking for a third chapter? At the least, this was posted 3years ago, obviously there will not be anymore to follow,, flash in the pan writers give me the shits as well..
2016-01-07 17:45:04 Sexy Sisters and Mom I just wish that these writers think about what they are doing, he is 17, twin sisters older than him, mother is 33? numbers do not add up.
2016-01-10 20:39:23 SOVEREIGNTY 2 this is my third attempt to read this story, I give up, does not make any sense at all, just disjointed rubbish. DEFINATELY NOT UP TO YOUR NORMAL STANDARD.....