Comments from throatHER

Date Story title Comment
2020-12-02 21:21:42 Olivias Innocence A couple of grammatical errors sprinkled throughout, but it didn't take away from your fantastic story. You definitely are a skilled writer. Polish up the mistakes by having a fresh pair of eyes edit your material. Wonderful job!
2020-12-08 07:45:06 My girlfriends daughter Madison You have a good story here but it needs work in regards to spacing. You jammed everything together. Take Impax's advice about the paragraphs between character dialogue. I had to reread a couple times because I got lost between who was speaking. Not bad but could be better.
2020-12-07 19:09:23 Preacher’s Daughters Part 2 Modified Your writing is top-notch. I appreciate the details you add. Keep up the good work.
2020-12-06 16:50:32 The Bite A nice and refreshing tale. Good writing. Looking forward to where this goes.
2020-12-06 17:29:01 The Bite Part 2 Very erotic. I like how de***********ive you are. You don't leave any detail to chance. Great work.