Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-24 01:09:58 Catholic School Confessions_(2) Extremely delightful. It seemed obvious to me that Alexis enjoyed spankings. It appears that Priests aren't the only clergy to "bend the rules" for sexual satisfaction. Sis Mary seems to get some pleasure giving the spankings A perfect match Alexis & Sis Mary, Charles was just a "fringe benefit" to add spice to the mix..!! I'g got a lot more of Ur material to read. Looks like FUN>!!
2019-04-24 02:20:30 A Mother And Son I like Ur style.. Talk about fantasy telling a fantasy...Remarkable..When are U going to start writing for full length porn movies with development of characters, plot & everything else that makes a good movie.with splashes of sexual activity to keep it XXX Porn & complete the story line... I think U could do it..!!
Congratulations on a job well done. Ur attention to detail,etc. just brings it all together.
2019-04-24 11:09:01 Friday Night_(1) There is a lot to be assumed; each chapter doesn't stand on it's own, but they are all linked to the previous events, some unstated in the text. That technique can only be effective in reading each chapter in sequence. When I skipped ahead to the "Honeymoon" I realized it was the same characters as in "First Night Back".What I'd done in the past is read authors list from top to bottom, Now I've learned to start at the bottom. Ur titles appear "stand alone" , so I had to figure out what's in sequence. In "First Night" --"her daughter put the kids to bed". But in "Fri Nite", "our daughterput the kids to bed". Little things like that make the mystery more understandable. Subtiety in revelation is a technique U use well. To connect the series U could have used "2nd Time" or "Courtship", or "Jack & Jill"; anything to show the reader a linking of stories.
I really admire Ur presentation. Just ideas on how to make it easier on me as a "slow" reader..
2019-04-24 11:09:02 Friday Night_(1) There is a lot to be assumed; each chapter doesn't stand on it's own, but they are all linked to the previous events, some unstated in the text. That technique can only be effective in reading each chapter in sequence. When I skipped ahead to the "Honeymoon" I realized it was the same characters as in "First Night Back".What I'd done in the past is read authors list from top to bottom, Now I've learned to start at the bottom. Ur titles appear "stand alone" , so I had to figure out what's in sequence. In "First Night" --"her daughter put the kids to bed". But in "Fri Nite", "our daughterput the kids to bed". Little things like that make the mystery more understandable. Subtiety in revelation is a technique U use well. To connect the series U could have used "2nd Time" or "Courtship", or "Jack & Jill"; anything to show the reader a linking of stories.
I really admire Ur presentation. Just ideas on how to make it easier on me as a "slow" reader..
2019-04-24 13:35:48 Honeymoon_(0) Now, that's the way it should be from time to time. But with Kids, car, house, & insurance payments (car house, health, & life) This kind of an event can't happen, no matter how much it's needed to "rebond" the relationship. Stress of day to day life erodes the special bond in marriage. 30 minutes of a quickie 2-4 times a week may release some of the stress, but doesn't build the bonding like the getaway described here.
Great work. If only more couples could understand the depths of commitment in relationships. That commitment is to run the household in such a way that "getaways" like this may occur twice (or more) times yearly in addition to the "family vacation" (kids along, less freedom). "Date Nite" weekly without the kids can be an alternative to bond better. Couples need that freedom to not worry about "getting caught". Go to a cheap motel. Depending on the sexual exposure U want Ur kids to realize. U are the "Teacher/parent" in such matters..!!