Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-20 04:21:44 All in the Family 3 I've read everything on this site U have listed & look forward to MORE !!
I've run out of time, but I'll be back with more comments.
2019-04-20 23:30:17 Steve, Come Help Me Fuck Your Wife Part 2 U "Lady authors" really know how to get readers "into" the story. I think Ch 3 should be telling Steve about some of the fucking stories about Ashley & Cat in their foursomes, etc. Then the invitation to Steve, "Do U want to try that now, Steve?"
Also seems to me Steve got his fantasy. Why did not Ashley suggest something different before now? Of course this story could not have happened then...I can't understand why female partners hesitate to suggest something different to their male lover. Twice my wife surprised & delighted me when she asked, "Can we wait a few more minutes & play more before U put it in me?" then later, "Would U be willing to go up my rear, It's been so long?" She also complimented me when she said, " I can understand why other women didn't want to let U go once U made love to them. U are so gentle in Ur demands & want to make sure I enjoy the experience & I am satisfied. Thank you for being so loving.
Thank you for sharing Ur talent with us.
2019-04-21 00:44:30 Teasing Dad Looks like Katie's friends were about her dad, The thing is it also looks like her friends aren't the only ones who would like to fuck her dad. i wonder in life, how many 13 & 14 yo girls rate DILF compared to 17 yo girls. Now boys are a different class when it comes to MILF. At 77, I've been a breast man all my life. I remember at age 9 telling a friend that I wanted to be a doctor so I could inspect breast (before breast cancer became so popular). I really love to suck or play with nipples while my partner sucks me off. Also when I fuck if at all possible.
Great story. The inner action of the story between Dad & Katie I've seen very few writers use anywhere near effective as Ur usage. It's the best yet. They could learn something from U there.
All these dads cumming in young girls without protection is unreal to me. Especially a Dad should be more caring & responsible toward them.
2019-04-21 01:52:43 Wife's Revenge She tried new things with a stranger that she would not try with her husband of 5 yrs. Why? She could also approach her husband with the truth. "I was able to get home early today & saw some unique sites online that I'd not seen before. Would like for us to look at them together to see if it could be a help to us? Were U trying to learn some techniques on Ur own to make our love life better?"
The way U presented the story line is more exciting & erotic; and a fantasy of a lot of men that aren't as fulfilled at home as they feel they should be. I can vouch for that from personal experience. For a woman to seduce me made me feel more like a man than my wife ever had. Especially that the relationship lasted 9 yrs. Every month I had to spend at least 2 nights in "her" town & enjoy her wares any time I was not working making sales calls. Before I lost that job, I would spend 4 nights in "her" town so we could fuck at least 2-3 times before we went to sleep. Again that morn.
2019-04-21 03:10:03 Rachel's Debt (Chapter 1 - The Accident) U can't get my vote today. I've read too many good stories & the system won't let me vote again. Good story. Recently, a shop owner hit me with his company truck He asked that I let him pay me to keep it off the insurance record. Didn't make me any difference. (Just so the dent was removed & covered with the same color pant). I saw no need to get the police involved since no one was hurt & the damage relatively minor.
I've seen the titles of some of the future chapters & look forward to how it all cums out.