Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-22 14:03:43 Betting the wives. It is a wonder & awesome to engage another sex partner. It builds ego, provides expansion of experience & techniques, & probably push one beyond the limits of "normal sexual attitudes." I was not a good lover/fucker until I met the right woman to help me understand women & myself better. Now, ask me how I am, "I'm fantastic, if don't believe me, ask my wife."
In the story, the women had to agree to the terms or all bets were off. Greed did the thing to consider the possibility of an "open marriage" for even an hour. The submmision factor hinged on 3 things, who won, what would happen after to the loosing wives, would it be public or private, & how will that "forced unfaithfullness" affect their marriage? Would the wife embaress herself & husband by reniging on the bet, or follow thru (another embatassment). Being in the "controller" of the family income, if Ron was dissatisfied, could he unjustly fire the husband? Wendy & Marcy had little to loose, but Lisa & Amy verlnirable.!
2019-04-22 14:32:19 Betting the wives. Sorry about my spelling & long comments. I want to address the whole of the sceinero. In the first exposure of Lisa eating out Wendy, it seems Lisa was two places at one time; between Wendy's legs & on the couch whispering in Mark's ear at the same time. I would think Amy would whisper in Mark's ear. All Ur descriptions of the events are great. Ur spelling & "anticipation of 'What's going to happen next'" is also "over the top" The only error that stood out to me was the Amy/Lisa mixup, but as Ur mind was spinning with the events unfolding on the screen/paper would be enough to get anyone "mixed up". 8 names to remember & place correctly is quite a challenge. I applaud U doing so well. In totality it is an awesome story. If U decided to pursue a writing carrier, U can do it. In the proof, try to see the readers perspective. Paragraphs are great, Character building good (considering 8 persons to reveal in such a short time & words effective).
2019-04-22 14:47:12 Betting the wives. 3rd entry continue. Every ones hidden desires come to light (except Tim's obvious lechery & maybe Ron's) Especially Amy & Lisa are "exposed" to delights they didn't know existed. They found out things about themselves & husbands completely new to them. Most women dress (or undress) to get a man's attention. Most enjoy the admiration & attention (unless from an undesirable). Lisa & Amy did a complete turn around from their previous attitudes toward men & sex. Thank you for sharing Ur talent with us. The woman's perspective is always helpful to me. Most of the recent authors I have enjoyed so much have been "written by women"
2019-04-22 18:51:55 Rescued from the Rain U female authors are the best. Again, U handle an explosive situation with delicacy & finesse. This time, Ur character building was surperb. (I need to go to settings to enhance "spell check"). Please be patient with me. U also kept Ur names straight. The only omissions I noticed: (1) When did Amy find out from Dad, "Be good to the man who is helping U!" (2) Another thing that would enhance the excitement of the scenairo, what is the relationship between Dad & Amy? Estranged, divorced, living together, "open marriage", or what?
2019-04-22 18:59:20 Rescued from the Rain It seems by the conversation, that they listen to Dad's advice so the connection is fairly close.
Thank you again for sharing Ur talent. I look forward to more of this series. I think I've enjoyed all Ur submissions.