Comments from Anganell Brigette

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-03 03:44:34 Shouldn't That Scare me More The Second Time? After reading chapter 2 I feel like I need a nap as the nonstop action has left me exhausted! Soooo, this is a true story. You do indeed have some interesting friends. I can identify with some of the action described as i have a older brother as well as a younger nephew and I know what I have caught both doing. Totally plausible story line. Too bad you decided to discontinue the story.
2019-02-04 02:25:26 The Chauffeur (#10)..Making it Great Again (part one) Pablo you ole devil you. You must be in the swinging lifestyle or was in it or have some connections with alternative life styles as the sex scenes describe exactly what goes on the swinging parties, clubs and resorts. Personally I enjoy the drama and exchanges between David, Jill and their new employees in the business side of the story line. If you have been in the swing lifestyle you know there is a lot of bisexual play between two or more females as well as between two males. No one is GAY, the body is an instrument of pleasure. We donât need tags to describe ones sexual orientation. Some of enjoy reading about a male, male female three way. OR horror of horrors two males putting on a show for the wives. Girls do other girls all the time for the titilación and enjoyment of their husbands or boyfriends!
2019-02-05 02:09:07 The Chauffeur(#11)..Making it Great Again (part two) Just out of curiosity, where does David get all his energy? Operations Director for a large conglomerate of businesses and still fucks numerous women on a daily basis. Are we taking a little literary license with this story, señor Pablo? Good job on the plot for this chapter.
2019-02-06 00:21:26 The Chauffeur (#12), LA My compliments Señor Pablo. You are spending more time in developing a plausible and interesting story line and not just concentrating on endless gratuitous sex. The plot is everything in driving the story line. You have your readers addicted, waiting for the next chapter.
2019-02-06 01:20:37 The Chauffeur (#13), The World Falls Apart Señor Pablo, I finished chapter 13. With each chapter the plot gets better and better. Yes, I have given all 13 chapters a positive review. You mention we should vote. I am not clear what you mean by voting. The options are POSITIVE or NEGATIVE REVIEW and comments. I think the comments are more important than the review.