Comments from Anganell Brigette

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-06 03:09:25 The Chauffeur (#14) New Business, New Problems This is a really long chapter. Very well written. Pablo your writing skills improve with each chapter. Of course the fact your characters party nonstop and never sleep is not plausible for a real life story, it is still loads of fun to read. I am curious as to where you are taking us, your readers?
2019-02-06 03:10:36 The Chauffeur (#14) New Business, New Problems Well earned POSITIVE RATING!
2019-02-07 00:14:55 The Rocker Part 8_(2) Glad to see you changed your mind, DBuck. If you check the comments section of your previous 7 chapters you will notice I am one of your biggest fans. You really know how to captivate end entice your readers to keep begging for more and more. I enjoy the way you construct the plot in such a way the story line drives the tale, rather than repetitive and gratuitous sex scenes driving the story. You inject just the right amount of suspense and drama that you get your readers so addicted we all are on the edge of our seats in breathless anticipation screaming to know what happens next. All in all a very rewarding and captivating read. You are the best. Don’t make us wait too long to learn what happened to DW’s lung!
2019-02-07 02:47:38 The Chauffeur (#15) Babies and a New Love Pablo I have been following this series since chapter 1. I believe I have commented on all thus far. With each chapter you continue to exhibit superior writing skills. I concur with MILF4USE and have mentioned, 5hanks for the well designed story line you do not have ro dep3nd on nonstop sex scenes to drive the story. You have crafted some very complex characters that are interesting and the plot is such the reader maintains interest in the story because of the suspense and drama The characters are creating. I too write erotica however for various reasons have not posted on XN yet.
2019-02-07 03:21:50 The Chauffeur (#16) And So It Begins_(2) Pablo, your writing demonstrates you have excellent tastes. The story line gets better with each chapter. Yes we all noticed that the group will be at the concert of D W and MENACE. Did you get permission from DBuck? Just kidding. I guess we now know what kind of life Hugh Hefner was forced to endure, no? Your readers are certainly paying attention. Good Job! You are a very prolific author. Notice I said AUTHOR and not writer. There is a lot of difference.