Comments from Anganell Brigette

Date Story title Comment
2019-01-14 00:52:16 Slutty Virgins What I like about this short story is the fact the story line or the plot is plausible. The action could happen as described in real life. For me it was not so long ago that I was 15 and remember the hormonal ups and downs and wanting sex but refraining because of worry about pregnancy. At my school everyone did oral similar to your deion in this story.
2019-01-14 00:54:11 Slutty Virgins What I like about this short story is the fact the story line or the plot is plausible. The action could happen as described in real life. For me it was not so long ago that I was 15 and remember the hormonal ups and downs and wanting sex but refraining because of worry about pregnancy. At my school everyone did oral similar to your deion in this story.
2019-01-14 01:19:09 I Did Knock The story is very entertaining. You demonstrate a high degree of intellectual creative energy. This story as opposed to your story about the virgins is meant to entertain and never likely to mirror real life. Pee party could happen but this one, not so much. I really enjoy your stories.
2019-01-14 02:30:38 The Move_(0) I believe this is the fourth or fifth of your stories I have read. I can see the improvement with each story. Your first story about the virgins, while the most realistic as regards the plot, the prose was a tad rough. This story, though a stretch as far as plausiblility is very well written, excellent word crafting. I believe with some practice you have the talent to publish and be paid for your work.
2019-01-14 03:43:55 The Visit-Part One With this story you have produced your best work to date, With each story you get better and better. Taking into consideration my personal experience with first cousins and my younger brother, the scenarios you present thus far are totally realistic and plausible. Good Job!