Comments from goiko

Date Story title Comment
2017-05-06 15:39:17 Sex with my aunt for the first time_(2) I agree. English is not your native language. That said the spell checker could help you in your writing efforts. I suggest the next story you write use an editor or spell checker first .
I look forward to your next work.
2017-04-08 13:30:38 The Ring of Desire - Chapter 1 Old plot but not too bad. Hope to see part two soon.
2017-03-04 16:31:08 The Mortal and the Magic Wand - Chapter 02 - Tuesday Just read chapter two. I saw where a teacher took the wand. Why didn't he wish it to become a watch or ring but keep it's power? That way the wand wouldn'thave been noticed.
2017-02-26 01:13:40 House Of Sin - Chapter 1 - A Very Hard Morning I like the slow build up and the background on the characters. Keep it like that. A slow erotic build up works well.
2017-05-15 00:16:29 Arthur owns his mom & teacher Terrible. I think you were bored and decided to put your fantasy on paper and post it. Bad idea. No plot. Poorly written. try again but put some thought into your work.